Let’s re.develop society.
Join the team.
See each step in detail below ⬇
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Regen Tribe is a collective building the ecosystem to accelerate regenerative neighborhood development.
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Start your journey to join the growing network of community co.creators by becoming a Collective Member.
Below you will find ways to get involved further.
This is for you if you would like to contribute to the #RegenerativeNeighborhood mission by sharing time and skills as well as represent our collective in different ways.
We offer different roles for Regen Tribe Ambassadors - you choose which one is the most aligned with your passion and magic and we will support you with our network and resources on the journey.
Ambassadors earn Hugs by logging their hours, are invited to all Regen Tribe Community Labs, and can access the Regen Tribe network for any of their needs.
An entrepreneur, service provider, or member of another organization that contributes defined skills and thought work in a specific Regen Tribe project. Based on your contribution you receive a % from revenue or set project payment.
Time of the collaboration is dependent on a timeline of the specific initiative.
Regen Neighborhood Agent Program
The Agent Program is a vocational training equipping you with the skills and knowledge to guide vision holders and teams in creating their dream regenerative neighborhoods, with Regen Tribe Ecosystem and tools.